4:15pm - 4:30pmSession KeynoteAre we sharing our data and software yet? Community, tools, incentives - and flexibility
Shelley Stall
American Geophysical Union, United States of America
The culture around sharing our data and software is evolving. Funders are starting to provide more clarity and requirements. Institutions are working to provide support and incentives. And journals are requiring that data be cited with some improvement on software as well. And yet, it is still difficult. Not all data can be shared. Not all data can be cited.
As us celebrate our progress we must also strengthen our collaboration and efforts in addressing the current challenges and those to come. Achieving FAIR, open and reproducible research through data and software management and preservation is both difficult and rewarding. Governance and sovereignty as represented by the CARE Principles give us a framework to expand research stakeholders to the people and community. In this talk we will share approaches that the AGU is taking to share data and software with stakeholders of the research ecosystem for better science, decision-making, and transparency. Persistence is necessary. Flexibility is key.
4:30pm - 4:45pmNFDI4Earth – addressing the digital needs of Earth System Sciences - A
Lars Bernard, Jörg Seegert
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
NFDI4Earth addresses digital needs of Earth System (ES) Sciences (ESS). ES scientists cooperate in international and interdisciplinary networks with the overarching aim to understand the functioning and interactions within the Earth system and address the multiple challenges of global change.
NFDI4Earth is a community-driven process providing researchers with FAIR, coherent, and open access to all relevant ES data, to innovative research data management (RDM) and data science methods. The NFDI4Earth work plan comprises four task areas (TA), of which TA1 and TA2 are first introduced here:
TA1 2Participate will engage with the ESS community and secures that NFDI4Earth is driven by user requirements: Pilots, small agile projects proposed by the community leverage existing technologies and manifest the researchers’ RDM needs. The Incubator Lab identifies promising new tools and scouts for trends in ES Data Science. EduHubs produce open, ready to use educational resources on implementing FAIR principles in the ESS. The Academy will connect young researchers and their data-driven research to NFDI4Earth.
TA2 2Facilitate realizes the OneStop4All as the web-based entry point to FAIR, open and innovative RDM in ESS. It supports on how to find, access, share, publish and work with ES data. Specific user requests beyond the scope of the OneStop4All will be routed to a distributed User Support Network. TA2 will also unlock the wealth of data that exists in governmental data repositories and will collaborate with all services on supporting long-term archiving.
TA3 2Interoperate and TA4 2Coordinate will follow as a second abstract.
4:45pm - 5:00pmNFDI4Earth – addressing the digital needs of Earth System Sciences - B
Lars Bernard, Jörg Seegert
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
NFDI4Earth addresses digital needs of Earth System (ES) Sciences (ESS). ES scientists cooperate in international and interdisciplinary networks with the overarching aim to understand the functioning and interactions within the Earth system and address the multiple challenges of global change.
NFDI4Earth is a community-driven process providing researchers with FAIR, coherent, and open access to all relevant ES data, to innovative research data management (RDM) and data science methods. The NFDI4Earth 2021-26 work plan comprises four task areas (TA), of which TA3 and TA4 are finally introduced here:
TA3 2Interoperate aims at interoperability and coherence of the heterogeneous, segmented range of ESS RDM services. The ecosystems of ESS (meta-)data and software repositories, data science services and collaboration platforms get integrated iteratively into a common NFDI4Earth architecture. Based on commonly agreed-upon standards TA3 provide consistent methods for a self-evaluation of RDM offerings. TA3 works on NFDI cross-cutting topics and makes outcomes accessible as a Living Handbook. It ensures co-operation in international RDM initiatives and standardisation bodies.
TA4 2Coordinate facilitates the overall management of the NFDI4Earth consortium. TA4 acts as central support service and coordination of the technical implementations. It also offers virtual research environments. The NFDI4Earth Coordination Office will support the NFDI4Earth community in day-to-day operations and acts as the NFDI4Earth point of contact. It develops a commonly agreed model for a sustainable operation of NFDI4Earth.
A commonly accepted NFDI4Earth FAIRness and Openness Commitment is key to fostering a cultural change towards FAIR and Open RDM in the ESS community.
5:00pm - 5:15pmThe Helmholtz Research Field Earth & Environment DataHub and its NFDI4Earth connection
Peter Braesicke1,5, Roland Bertelmann2,5, Jan Bumberger3,5, Sören Lorenz4,5
1KIT, Germany; 2GFZ, Potsdam, Germany; 3UFZ, Leipzig, Germany; 4GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany; 5on behalf of the Helmholtz RF E&E DataHub
Digitalisation and FAIR data are overarching elements in the Helmholtz Research Field Earth and Environment (RF E&E) Program-Oriented Funding Phase IV (PoF IV). Already in the transition years from PoF III to PoF IV (2019/2020) different measures were implemented to facilitate this aim. One of them is the so-called DataHub, with the aim that all Earth System (ES) data that is generated by the RF E&E will be available as FAIR data via a common access point. To achieve this, three thematic SubHubs have been created: for atmospheric data (ATMO), for maritime data (MARE, also including DAM) and for terrestrial data (TERRA). The three SubHubs (ATMO, MARE, TERRA) are interlinked by thematic working groups and are continuously developed. In addition, the SubHubs are undergoing a continuous integration process that aims at a common access point and improved interoperability of data, products and services. Here, a presentation via web-based services will be available soon, with common thematic viewers that also provide stakeholder relevant products, in addition to the actual underlying data. The DataHub will be maintained and continuously developed as a long-lasting project that will also support aspects of the NFDI process in general and the NFDI4Earth in particular, thus benefiting the ES sciences in Germany in general.
5:15pm - 5:30pmOpen-source and open data: combining both worlds for optimised decision making in geological subsurface models
Florian Wellmann1, Miguel de la Varga2, Alexander Jüstel3
1Computational Geoscience and Reservoir Engineering (CGRE), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany (; 2Terranigma Solutions GmbH, Aachen, Germany; 3Fraunhofer IEG, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems, Am Hochschulcampus 1, 44801 Bochum, Germany
Open data and open-source code are influencing each other: the availability of open data sparks new developments for data analysis and processing. Open-source codes on the other hand have the potential to show the value of open data. This symbiotic effect is well visible in the successful recent developments in the field of machine learning, which was strongly influenced by open data sets and benchmark tests, for example in the famous Kaggle competitions.
We outline here the evolving landscape of open-source software developments for (subsurface) geoscience applications. Our overview includes codes and software packages for processing of typical geological and geophysical data sets (borehole data, seismic data, wireline logs, geological maps, outcrop and laboratory data etc.), as well as packages for data processing, up to full 3-D geological modeling and geophysical inversion approaches.
The long-term maintenance of these packages is often a challenge, especially when they are developed in research projects. But a combination with open geological data has the potential to lead to transparent and reproducible decision processes, which are relevant in many cases where geological subsurface investigations are used for public decisions such as evaluating possible nuclear waste repository sites or for geothermal energy exploration.
5:30pm - 5:45pmImportance of 3d model management to enable FAIR principles for geological models
Paul Gabriel, Daniel Buse, Björn Wieczoreck, Johannes Camin
GiGa infosystems GmbH, Germany
A high number of 3d geological models are produced every year at mining companies, geological surveys, consulting offices and many other institutions. Many of these models are being created by different authors and usually have a slightly different purpose and need to meet different demands. Yet the underlying geology stays the same.
While the data providers can publish a variety of 2d data sets 3d are lacking behind. This leads to a loss of knowledge, e.g. when domain experts have been creating a particular 3d model and refined it over the years but also to the loss of investments. The whole creation process must be executed by a second modeler.
With a database for 3d models the existing and new models can organized in such way that they are centrally accessible. In a first step within the organization. In further steps models might be shared with a broader audience. A flexible data model should be easily applicable and allow to apply any metadata model to the data to make it even easier to find the desired data.
In order to not only act a data silo a management system should provide an API such that the data is interoperable and allows to implement any needed data format or moreover to reuse the data directly in different programs or scripts.
With GST its users are being enable to layout a foundation for a FAIR geological management solution and apply several layers to make 3d models easily accessible.